Fraud and Corruption

To succeed in today’s dynamic business environment requires an organisation to achieve its strategic objectives using its own staff, external partners and other parties to operate at a local, national and international level, amid the ever present threat of fraud and corruption.

This creates some challenges in relation to the management of fraud and corruption risks:

  • There is increased exposure from having to deal with governments, institutions and officials in foreign countries where there may be a greater propensity for fraudulent or corrupt behaviour.
  • Overseas anti-corruption and anti-fraud legislative/regulatory regimes are maturing and expanding with extra-territorial reach. Many organisations are now faced with the possibility of sanctions being imposed should its staff, partners or agents, while conducting their business, engage in behaviour that is caught by the rules and regulations under those regimes e.g. bribery of foreign officials.

How Insight Global Risk helps you defend against fraud and corruption

Insight Global Risk helps you better understand fraud and corruption, through the identification of the actual risks within your organisation and then how to prevent them.

We seek to provide practical advice, and the development of a strategic approach to managing fraud and corruption; whilst still being able to operate in a global business environment.

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